linkedin engagement rate guide
LinkedIn Analytics

LinkedIn Engagement Rate Calculator and 5 Key Strategies to Improve Engagement

Explore our guide to learn how to maximize your engagement rate and build meaningful connections for your brand.

Andreea Udescu
Andreea Udescu
Table of Contents

At its core, LinkedIn was designed to be the first business-oriented social network. So it makes sense that it has become a place where brands come to grow their communities, network with other industry players, market their services and get leads.

Given the massive reach potential LinkedIn offers, brands need to level up their game and stay up to date if they want to thrive in today’s competitive social media world.

When tracking LinkedIn performance, engagement rate is one of the top KPIs marketers look at. So, let’s start by understanding what it is, how to calculate it and then explore a few tips on how to get a higher engagement rate on LinkedIn.

2024 LinkedIn engagement rate guidebook

What is the LinkedIn engagement rate?
Why is the LinkedIn engagement rate worth tracking?
FREE LinkedIn engagement rate calculator
What is a good average engagement rate on LinkedIn?
How to boost your LinkedIn engagement rate: 5 essentials tips

What is the LinkedIn engagement rate?

The LinkedIn engagement rate measures how many people interact with your content, relative to your follower count or number of impressions (depending on how you choose to calculate it).

A good engagement rate on LinkedIn is an indicator that you deliver the right kind of content to your audience.

If your engagement rate on this platform constantly dips or sits below average, that’s a sign you should optimize your LinkedIn marketing strategy and implicitly, your content, so that more people will want to interact with it.

Why is the LinkedIn engagement rate worth tracking?

We already know that engagement is top priority for any marketers analyzing and reporting on their LinkedIn performance, as well as any brand trying to grow and expand its reach on LinkedIn.

However, simply adding up all the post interactions in order to calculate total engagement is not enough. Total engagement tells only half the story, the average engagement rate on LinkedIn tells the rest.

In general, prioritizing social media metrics that take into account different factors is a more accurate way of tracking performance.

While total engagement only shows how many people have interacted with your posts, the engagement rate does so by taking into account the number of followers you have, or the number of impressions your content generates.

In other words, the LinkedIn engagement rate paints a more complete picture of your engagement.

FREE LinkedIn engagement rate calculator

The engagement rate on LinkedIn is calculated as total engagement (likes, comments, shares, clicks) divided by the number of impressions, all multiplied by 100.

LinkedIn Engagement Rate per Post by Impressions Formula

[(Likes + Comments + Shares + Clicks) / Posts] / Impressions x 100
linkedin engagement rate by impressions formula

Unlike the Facebook engagement rate, for instance, that is calculated by followers, LinkedIn engagement uses impressions because that is a much more accurate metric given LinkedIn's algorithm. Β 

You can use our FREE LinkedIn engagement rate calculator to do all the heavy lifting:

Don't worry though, you don’t have to become a walking LinkedIn engagement rate calculator in order to do your job right.

Simply enter your data into our ready-made LinkedIn engagement rate calculator template and you're all set. Or, if you want more in-depth data, just choose a LinkedIn analytics tool to do the job for you.

If you want to automate the process, you can use Socialinsider's social media analytics tool to do it for you, for example.

Simply add the LinkedIn profiles you manage into the app, navigate to the Engagement tab and you’re all set with all the LinkedIn analytics engagement rate data you need.

linkedin engagement rate data socialinsider

You can, of course, analyze your LinkedIn engagement evolution, spot spikes, and understand if it’s on a upward or downward trend.

Beyond that, you can track engagement rate in all its variations: engagement rate per page, per post, average engagement rate per day and so on. It all depends on your internal KPIs and LinkedIn strategy.

Any engagement rate insights you may be looking for, can be found here.

linkedin engagement rate data details socialinsider

What is a good engagement rate on LinkedIn?

When monitoring your LinkedIn metrics, it’s not enough to analyze the data and track its evolution – you also need benchmarks. That way, you will know if the numbers you’re getting are above or below the industry average, and more importantly, you’ll see how you stack up against your competitors.

If you’re looking for the latest benchmarks for LinkedIn, then the best starting point is our 2024 LinkedIn benchmarks report, which comes packed with fresh engagement, impressions and top performing content insights!

However, the main takeaway of this study is that the LinkedIn engagement rate is way up - by 44% YoY - and is currently sitting at 3.85%.

linkedin benchmarks engagement rate by impressions

So, if you’re wondering what is a good engagement rate for LinkedIn, there’s your answer. Anywhere around or over 3% is a good value to work towards for LinkedIn engagement rate in 2024.

How to boost your LinkedIn engagement rate: 5 essential tips

If your engagement rate is not yet where you would like it to be, or if you are determined to never let it dip again, then you need to take action.

To that end, we compiled a list of essential tips to help you improve your engagement rate on LinkedIn:

1. Offer value

In their efforts to market their products and score as many leads and new customers, some brands lose sight of a very important aspect: people seek value. Depending on the context, that can mean knowledge (tips, insights, data, hacks etc.), free resources (reports, templates etc) or offer a recommendation.

Posts that simply try to promote your services or, on the hand, simply aim to entertain can only get you so far. Sharing posts that are practical and insightful will keep your users hooked and engaged.

Here's how Socialinsider shares LinkedIn posts with value

2. Engage with your network & community

Building meaningful relationships with your network as well as your community can go a long way when it comes to increasing your brand awareness and engagement rate. Don’t hesitate to commit to it beyond simple likes/reactions.

Share your thoughts and insights via comments or even direct messages and create space for productive conversations with fellow industry leaders and people in your community. That will help you attract new opportunities as a subject matter expert and your brand to grow in visibility.

More visibility means more eyes on your content, and if that content is top-notch, then a boost in your LinkedIn engagement rate is guaranteed.

How Socialinsider engages with other communities

3. Post consistently

The LinkedIn algorithm is not all that forgiving to brands that are not consistent in their publishing schedule. In order to build an engaged community around your brand, you need to be present, active and consistent with your posting.

That proves commitment and credibility. It also helps you stay top-of-mind for any existing and potential future customers.

4. Share posts with multiple images

Our latest LinkedIn Benchmarks study shows that posts with multiple images are the best performing content type on LinkedIn as of 2024.

If you also pair this type of posts with short captions (below 19 words), then you’re multiplying your chances of getting a high engagement rate on your posts.

engagement rate by caption length linkedin benchmarks

5. Track your performance

You can have the most optimized engagement strategy in the history of LinkedIn; if you’re not keeping a close eye on your LinkedIn analytics, it’s not enough.

Use a powerful social media analytics tool like Socialinsider to benchmark your LinkedIn content performance across any period of time and learn how to improve your strategy for highest engagement rates.

Here's how LinkedIn enagagement dashboard  looks like in Socialinsider
Here's how LinkedIn enagagement dashboard looks like in Socialinsider

Analysis and benchmarking will help you set realistic expectations for your future results and at the same time, be able to adjust your content on the go.

If, for instance, you’re seeing a high engagement rate on LinkedIn video posts, then it makes sense to prioritize that type of content going forward.

Final thoughts about LinkedIn engagement rate

Boosting LinkedIn engagement rate can be a challenging process but it’s worth it because it has a massive impact on your brand’s performance, visibility and overall social media presence.

A high engagement rate is proof that you are connecting with your audience and that they are interested in the insights you share and the products or services you are promoting.

With a proper understanding of what LinkedIn engagement rate is and how it is calculated, as well as a well-rounded strategy based on our essential tips, we think you’re well on your way to maximizing your engagement on this platform.

Andreea Udescu

Andreea Udescu

Content writer with 7 years of experience in digital marketing. When I’m not writing, I like to go on coffee dates with friends, dabble in poetry and fill my house with flowers.

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