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Instagram Analytics

Instagram Story Ideas to Better Engage With Your Audience

Andreea Udescu
Alexandra Papp
Andreea Udescu, Alexandra Papp
Table of Contents

The famous Instagram Story is a staple feature of Instagram, which allows users to post images or videos that disappear after 24 hours. With this feature, marketers can upload and incorporate high-quality photos straight from their cameras into their Stories.

This allows viewers to understand their products or services better and helps brands establish a deeper connection with their audience.

However, due to high competition and the immense volume of eye-catching content out there, sharing your new posts on stories is not enough anymore. And as we can see, integrating Instagram stories into one’s marketing strategy is a must in 2024.

This means that social media managers need to pull new Instagram story ideas out of their creative hats.

In this article, we will uncover 30 of the best Instagram Story ideas to inspire you, help you engage with your audience, and create trust around your brand.

Instagram Story ideas to try out

Instagram story ideas for business
Creative Instagram story ideas
Cool Instagram story ideas
Cute Instagram story ideas
Instagram story question ideas
Instagram story ideas for photos
Instagram story layout ideas

Instagram Story ideas for business

I know, creator-to-user and business-to-user Instagram marketing strategies are not the same. However, both perspectives use similar tactics: the aim is to create a visual compelling story that attracts engagement from the audience. This can be done through eliciting curiosity, demonstrating social proof, or authority.

Here are some compelling Insta story ideas for businesses.

#1. Behind-the-scenes sneak peek

Take your audience behind closed doors, revealing the magic behind your brand.

By offering exclusive glimpses into your processes, you not only pique curiosity but also build trust by showing transparency and authenticity.

Behind-the-scenes content is very attractive to the audience because it shows them the other side of your business.

Unlike most content shared on Instagram, which is usually heavily edited, this type of Instagram story type should be raw, and unedited, portraying your business as human.

Behind-the-scenes content is one of the best Story content ideas because it emphasizes the transparency and authenticity of your brand.

instagram story idea - behind the scenes content

#2. Customer testimonials

Let your satisfied customers do the talking! Sharing real testimonials not only validates your brand's credibility but also builds social proof, reassuring potential customers and fostering trust in your products or services.

Competitive businesses use testimonials for social proof. Studies have shown that buyers are more likely to take action when they read positive testimonials from clients.

So if you're looking for customer-oriented story ideas for Instagram, don't hesitate to use this one.

Testimonials usually give consumers a snapshot of what to expect when they finally decide to use or buy a product from certain brands. A well-crafted testimonial on Instagram Story will trigger your audience to take action.

instagram story idea - customer testimonials

#3. Product demos

Show, don't just tell. Through live demos, you provide an immersive experience for your audience, allowing them to see your products in action. This not only educates them about your offerings but also helps in making informed purchase decisions, ultimately driving sales.

A business-oriented Instagram story idea is to show off your product features.

instagram story examples related to product promotion

#4. Employee Spotlight

Put faces to your brand! By highlighting your team members, you humanize your business and showcase the people behind the scenes. This fosters a deeper connection with your audience, instilling trust and loyalty as they get to know the personalities driving your company forward.

instagram story idea - example for employee spotlight

Quick tip: for extra engagement, you can have your CEO jump on the bandwagon.

#5. Industry insights

Position yourself as an authority in your field by sharing valuable industry insights and trends.

By providing relevant and informative content, you not only engage your audience but also establish your brand as a go-to source for industry knowledge. This helps in building credibility and attracting a loyal following eager for your expertise.

Here’s one example of Story post ideas that can get you from player to industry professional.

instagram story idea for showcasing industry insights
By the way, if you want to know what are the latest news in social media performance, check out our social media benchmarks study for 2024! 

Creative Instagram Story ideas

Elevate your Instagram game with these aesthetic story ideas! From the best Instagram story hacks to stunning story photo ideas, we've curated a collection of creative concepts to make your brand stand out.

#6. DIY tutorial

Get your audience involved in the creative process by sharing step-by-step DIY tutorials related to your niche.

Whether it's crafting, cooking, or home decor, DIY tutorials offer value and entertainment while showcasing your brand's expertise and creativity. Plus, they encourage engagement as followers try out your tutorials and share their results.

Are you manufacturing bags, shoes, or handcrafting other types of products? Share Instagram Story videos that show your followers how the product is made.

instagram story ideas for a DIY tutorial

#7. Artistic showcase

Highlight the creativity of your brand by featuring artistic showcases on your Instagram stories.

Whether it's showcasing original artwork, photography, or design concepts, an artistic showcase adds visual appeal and captivates your audience's attention. It also establishes your brand as a source of inspiration and creativity within your industry.

So, what can be more creative than an artistic showcase, especially if your brand is in the aesthetic niche? Top that off with a story sticker, and you get yourself a remarkable Instagram story.

Instagram story idea - artistic showcase

#8. Interactive polls or quizzes

Instagram Story is the right place to find out all the answers you need from your audience.

Need an opinion on a new feature release?

Wondering which logo color is better?

Want to know what type of content people want to see from your account?

You can use the poll feature or the question sticker and ask your followers' opinions directly. This is an interactive Instagram Story idea to keep your followers invested in your brand.

instagram story examples for polls or quizzes

For example, at Socialinsider, we often use these two features to find out our followers' opinions regarding our studies, articles, new features, and more.

#9. Time-Lapse Creations

Bring your audience along for the journey with captivating time-lapse creations.

Whether it's showing the process of creating a masterpiece, assembling a product, or completing a project, time-lapse videos offer a unique and engaging perspective. They showcase your brand's dedication to quality and attention to detail while providing entertainment and inspiration for your audience.

This Story idea can very well also be an Instagram Reel, due to its double functionality, which is why I am using the below example.

I also want to emphasize the fact that you don’t have to have a creative or artistic business niche to do a timelapse story on your Instagram business page, you just need to show how your work gets results.

Ideally in an authentic manner, that is relevant to your audience.

#10. Add your sticker challenge

Encourage interaction and community engagement by creating β€œAdd yours” sticker challenges on your Instagram stories.

Whether it's a pet challenge, a cooking challenge, or a creative challenge related to your brand, β€œAdd yours” sticker challenges encourage followers to participate and share their experiences.

They foster a sense of community among your audience and increase brand visibility as followers share their photo entries with their own followers.

For instance, Vizzy Creative, a retail store for jewelry, cosmetics and gifts, joined in the "No Filter" template and shared a Story of their manufacturing process.

instagram story idea - add your sticker challenge

Cool Instagram Story ideas

Take your Instagram business marketing to the next level with these engaging videos in Story! From exclusive discounts to captivating product teasers, we've curated a collection of cool story ideas that will make your brand stand out.

#11. Instagram Story games

If you've run out of ideas and don't know what things to post on your Story, Instagram has come with many fun tools to play games with your followers.

From the popular poll sticker to the Instagram quiz sticker, you have a lot of creative options to post on Instagram Story.

And what better way to engage with your audience than to keep it animated?

Benefit Cosmetics is a master when it comes to original Instagram Story ideas. Here are just some examples of Instagram game ideas they do once in a while to spice up their account:

  • story templates
  • pop quizzes
  • product scramble
  • find the emoji
  • spin the bottle
game-related instagram story ideas

#12. New product/feature teasers

Build anticipation and excitement for upcoming releases with product teasers on your Instagram stories.

Share sneak peeks, teaser images, or short video clips to give your audience a taste of what's to come.

By teasing new products, you create buzz and generate interest, driving traffic to your landing page or store when the product is finally launched.

Here’s a cool example of a giveaway story combined with a new store launch teaser.

instagram story idea for a new product promo

#13. Exclusive discounts

Reward your loyal followers and incentivize engagement by offering exclusive discounts on your Instagram stories.

Share limited-time discount codes or special offers that are only available to your Instagram audience.

By making your followers feel valued and special, you encourage them to take action and make a purchase.

Also, in order to ensure campaign success, adding urgency to your story might help.

instagram story idea for exclusive discounts

#14. Virtual events

Bring your audience together and create memorable experiences with virtual events on your Instagram stories.

Host live Q&A sessions, product launches, or behind-the-scenes tours that allow your followers to engage with your brand in real-time.

By hosting virtual events, you foster a sense of community and connection with your audience, strengthening brand loyalty.

instagram story idea for promoting virtual events

#15. Release Countdown

Build excitement and anticipation for upcoming releases with a release countdown on your Instagram stories. Share countdown stickers, graphics, or animations to let your audience know how much time is left until the big reveal.

The countdown Instagram story ideas are cool, and engaging but also vital for building anticipation and excitement around your upcoming releases.

They not only create a sense of urgency but also keep your audience invested in your brand's journey, ensuring they don't miss out on any important updates or announcements.

instagram story idea - release countdown

Cute Instagram Story ideas

Get ready to add an extra dose of charm and warmth to your Instagram stories!

From nostalgic Throwback Thursdays to heartwarming acts of kindness, our collection of cute story ideas will bring a smile to your audience's faces and foster a deeper connection with your brand. Let's spread joy and positivity together!

#16. Throwback Thursday

Take a trip down memory lane and share nostalgic moments with Throwback Thursday posts on your Instagram stories.

Dig into your archives to find old photos, videos, or memories that resonate with your audience.

By tapping into nostalgia, you evoke positive emotions and foster a sense of connection with your followers, strengthening brand loyalty.

Even more, Instagram turned Throwback Thursday into an official feature. It’s part of the new Instagram β€œCreate” mode inside the Stories composer.

#17. Animated illustrations

Bring your brand to life with animated illustrations on your Instagram stories.

Whether it's whimsical animations, playful GIFs, or colorful doodles, animated illustrations add a fun and dynamic element to your content.

By incorporating animations into your stories, you capture your audience's attention and inject personality into your brand, making your content more memorable and shareable.

instagram story idea showcasing illustrated annimations

#18. Acts of kindness

Spread positivity and goodwill with random acts of kindness on your Instagram stories. Share heartwarming stories, charitable initiatives, or acts of generosity that your brand is involved in.

One Instagram story idea is choosing to support an NGO campaign. As a matter of fact, Instagram has a cute sticker feature to support these actions.

All you have to do is select a photo or video to share on Stories and add the Donation sticker. From there you just choose the cause you want to raise money for and the amount you want to collect.

instagram story idea - acts of kindness

#19. β€œCaption This” contests

Get your audience involved and boost engagement with β€œCaption This” contests on your Instagram stories.

Post a photo or video and encourage followers to submit creative captions in the messages. Reward the winner with a prize or shout-out, and share the winning caption on your stories.

By hosting caption contests, you spark creativity and interaction, turning passive viewers into active participants.

Instagram story idea - caption this contest

#20. Motivational Quotes

Inspire and uplift your audience with motivational quotes on your Instagram stories. Share powerful quotes, affirmations, or words of encouragement that resonate with your brand values and mission.

Sharing a motivational quote in the story you post, you empower your audience to overcome challenges, stay positive, and strive for their goals.

The key is, as always to stay on brand and be authentic.

instagram story idea - motivational quote

Instagram Story question ideas

Get ready to spark conversation and engagement with these interactive Instagram story question ideas! From asking your audience anything to playful polls and quizzes, these story prompts will keep your followers entertained and coming back for more.

#21. Ask me anything boxes

Open up the floor for your audience to ask you anything with Ask Me Anything (AMA) boxes on your Instagram stories. Encourage your followers to submit their burning questions, whether they're about your brand, personal life, or industry expertise.

These types of Instagram story ideas create a sense of transparency and authenticity, inviting your audience to get to know the person behind the brand.

Pro tip: Create story highlights with the question boxes and the answers, so people can access the information later on.

If you want to answer all the questions in a permanent post, creating a Reel or hosting a live session are both great options.

instagram story idea - ask me anything boxes example

#22. Opinion polls

Opinion polls have great value for any business that focuses on its Instagram marketing strategy because they are a great way to gather insights and feedback from the audience.

Pose questions related to your brand, industry trends, or upcoming product releases, and let your followers vote on their preferences.

The benefits go both ways. By sharing Instagram Story opinion polls, your audience has the chance to get involved in the decision-making processes, fostering a sense of community and loyalty.

instagram story idea - opinion polls

#23. Fill in the blank

The fill-in-the-blank prompts are one of the most fun and engaging Instagram stories.

Present your audience with incomplete sentences or phrases related to your brand or industry, and invite them to fill in the blanks with their own responses.

This is a fun and interactive way to generate excitement and foster creativity.

instagram story idea - fill in the blank

#24. This or that

This one is a personal favorite. Get your audience involved in a story trend with This or That polls on your Instagram stories.

Present pairs of options related to your brand or industry, and ask your followers to choose their preference between the two.

With this Instagram story idea, you can both generate buzz around your brand and create engagement on your page but also see what your audience prefers, when given the opportunity to choose between this or that.

instagram story idea - this or that

#25. Guess the product

This one is more of a challenge for your audience. Create β€œGuess the Product” quizzes on your Instagram stories.

For example, you can share close-up shots or teaser images of your products, and ask your followers to guess what they are.

This is a great way to create excitement and buzz around a new product, feature, or service you are close to launching, or bring back nostalgic products, to see if your audience resonates with that time period.

instagram story idea - guess the product

Instagram Story ideas for photos

Elevate your visual storytelling with these captivating Instagram story ideas for photos! From showcasing user-generated content to engaging your audience with photo challenges, these ideas will help you create stunning and interactive stories that leave a lasting impression.

#26. Photo of the day

This is your chance to participate in a story trend almost as old as Instagram itself.

Highlight the beauty of your brand with a Photo of the Day series on your Instagram stories.

Share stunning photos related to your products, services, or brand values, and feature a new photo every day.

Engage with your audience with visually appealing content and establish a consistent presence in their feeds.

Or, you can go one step further, as this art page did, and pair your photo of the day with a horoscope of the month type of story.

instagram story idea - photo of the day

#27. UGC content

User-generated content is any form of content that is created by consumers or users about a brand. When it comes to making a buying decision, consumers are more likely to trust fellow consumers who have used the product than brands.

User-generated content can help to generate more engagement when shared on Instagram Stories. This means that your content is more likely to get more comments and likes.

The more users engage with your brand, the higher your post will be prioritized on Instagram feed, a factor that will expose your content to new users.

Thus, involving your audience in your brand's activity becomes a highly effective customer care strategy.

Make sure that when someone mentions you in their Instagram Story, you respond or re-share that post. Let people know that you appreciate what they are doing for you.

instagram story idea - ugc

#28. Photo Challenges

Inspire your audience and enable creativity and participation with photo challenges on your Instagram stories. Set weekly or monthly themes and invite your audience to share photos related to the theme using a specific hashtag.

Don’t forget to use branded challenge hashtags, to better monitor the results of your campaign.

You can even collaborate with influencers to boost the reach of your challenge.

instagram story idea - photo challenge

#29. Before & after shots

Showcase the transformative power of your products or services with before & after shots on your Instagram stories.

Share side-by-side photos or following stories illustrating the results or benefits of using your offerings, whether it's a beauty transformation, home renovation, or fitness journey.

Before & after shots, are subtle ways of providing social proof and inspiring confidence in your brand.

instagram story idea - before & after

#30. Photo posts to Stories

I could not leave out this classic. And the reason is: it still works.
Remember that not all your followers see your posts in their feeds.

So if you just uploaded a new piece of content to your feed, make sure to give it a share.

You can add stickers, links, question boxes, music, or other story features. Just make sure you get the new photo in front of your audience.

instagram story idea - post photos to stories

Instagram Story layout ideas

Split-screen comparison: Use a split-screen layout to compare two images side by side, such as before and after shots, different product options, or contrasting scenes.

Puzzle grid: Break up a single image into multiple puzzle pieces and post them sequentially on your story, prompting followers to engage by rearranging the pieces to reveal the complete picture. This is a great way of using multiple photos in an Instagram story.

Text overlay with image background: Overlay text or quotes onto a visually appealing background image, creating a visually striking and informative story post.

Storyboard sequence: Tell a visual story by arranging multiple images in a sequence, guiding followers through a narrative, or highlighting different aspects of your business or brand.

These layout ideas can add variety and creativity to your Instagram stories, helping you capture and maintain your audience's attention. Let me know if you need further assistance!

Pro tip: Don't forget to check your Instagram Story analytics to understand how your stories perform.

You can get in-depth Stories data and insights straight from Socialinsider, as long as you connect and authorize your Instagram account.

instagram stories analytics from socialinsider

Final thoughts

Instagram Stories allows marketers to provide more in-depth information to their target audience to trigger them to take action.

If you want to make your brand more visible, then Instagram Stories are a feature you need to take advantage of. It will make your audience see your business in a way that pictures will not.

So if you're looking for more Instagram Story ideas, we hope this list has provided some much-needed inspiration for your brand!

Andreea Udescu

Andreea Udescu

Content writer @ Socialinsider with 8 years of experience in digital marketing. When I’m not writing, I like to go on coffee dates with friends, dabble in poetry and fill my house with flowers.

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